• Sunday, 29. September 2024 01:58
eventicon30 08 May 23:59

Immortales Wochenend Raid (IWR)

08.05.20, from 23:59 to 03:30
Signup deadline 21:59
created on 9. April 2020 13:20, added by Elerias
The signup deadline already over

  confirmed (12/20) [contains 1 guest]

Heiler (3/5)
Tank (2/3)
DD Fernkampf (6/6)
class 3 Exid
DD Nahkampf (1/6)

  signed up (0/20) [contains no guests]

Heiler (0/5)
Tank (0/3)
DD Fernkampf (0/6)
DD Nahkampf (0/6)

  signed off (0/20) [contains no guests]

Heiler (0/5)
Tank (0/3)
DD Fernkampf (0/6)
DD Nahkampf (0/6)

  backup (0/20) [contains no guests]

Heiler (0/5)
Tank (0/3)
DD Fernkampf (0/6)
DD Nahkampf (0/6)



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